smart home technology

Save Money With Smart Home Technology

This blog will discuss how smart home technology can save you money and be a selling point if you are considering selling. You often judge a house by its looks. But guess what? Now you can also judge it by its IQ. Think smart thermostats, smart lighting, and app-controlled security systems. Smart home technology can up your relevance factor, make homes easier to operate, and save you money!

 A Home’s Technology Matter

Imagine this. You walk into your home and motion-activated lighting automatically turns on as you enter. A smart thermostat adjusts the temperature for ultimate comfort and savings once it senses you are back home. The window blinds are adjusted based on the sun’s direction. And the smart speaker is telling you about your home’s features. Impressive, right?

Four in 10 Americans have bought a smart home device since the COVID-19 outbreak and are more interested in smart home technology, according to a 2020 study.

 Increasing Marketability with Smart Technology

Consumers between 18 and 34 said they would pay more for homes with home theaters, smart speakers in every room, and connected kitchens, according to the same study. In the 25 to 54 age group, consumers said they’d pay more for generators and EV charging stations. And for those 55 and older, solar roof tiles, smart doorbells, and security systems would be worth extra money.

You can easily add smart home technology to modernize an older home and help it compete with newer ones. After all, many homebuilders offer smart home packages to outfit new homes with smart thermostats, app-controlled garage doors, smart lighting, door locks, and video security systems.

Smart home technology investments can range from $20 for adding smart lightbulbs to $20,000 or more for automated solutions that connect systems in one hub for an entire house. For $1,500, you can outfit your home with multiple systems like a smart speaker, smart lighting, and a smart thermostat to increase the home’s smart tech appeal. For about $5,500, homeowners could automate the lights, door locks, and thermostat, and install a smart speaker, hub, and smart plugs in three rooms.

Save On Your Energy Bills

The average home spends at least $2,000 annually on energy bills. By switching to energy-efficient appliances, equipment and lighting, that number can be cut by 1/3.

Smart thermostats are great for big savings. Close to half of a typical energy bill is spent on heating and cooling. Having a thermostat that knows your schedule, and adjusts the temperature when you’re home or away, is an easy way to save money. With Nest, for example, you can also check your energy usage and adjust the temperature remotely, from your smartphone.

Smart lights & lightbulbs are more energy efficient and can be set to timers and motion sensors. For example, when you enter a room, the lights can be programmed to detect your presence and turn on to greet you. And when you leave, the lights will automatically shut off. Using bulbs that are energy efficient and installing automatic dimmers, will also add help save money and energy.

Regardless of how extensive your devices are, using smart devices will save you real money but you must ensure your home’s electricity is equipped to handle additional devices.

That’s where we come in! We offer free assessments that will let you know what your electric system can handle. If you need an upgrade, no problem, we have you covered! We can also recommend and install many of these smart technologies.

High West Electric is based in Denver, CO, and serves the entire metro area. Our customer service-based approach ensures that each client enjoys the process from installation to the end product – no matter the size of the job. Our goal is to be YOUR electrician and offer an experience that goes Beyond the Wires. We offer free estimates. Visit our website to learn more.